
I have been going through some important changes in the past few weeks. I finished with my internship at CyberWatcher and went back to Macedonia. And now I am heading towards the new, better opportunities.

I used the last 5 weeks to pay the necessary attention to the changes I have gone through and to reflect upon them in order to find the key learnings. My three-week holiday in Tenerife and Thessaloniki helped me in this quite enough. So, I will try to sum up the main points from this reflection.

1. I have become a person with a higher integrity. I have learned to express my real needs and thus have determined ways to satisfy them. I’ve finally accepted that satisfying these needs does make me genuinely happy.

2. I have become a more relaxed person. I have learned that the key to true happiness lies in having a peace of mind. This does not mean that you have to let go the things which are really important for you.

3. I have become a more resilient person. Shocks and other unexpected changes do not affect me that much. Now, I am fine with both pleasant and unpleasant things happening in my life. Really fine.

I am growing. Unconsciously, I have adopted certain cultural values that I feel very connected to. I can see how my behaviour is now shaped. I also see that it is difficult to re-adapt to the environment in my home country. I hope it won’t last too long.